Solingen cuticle remover, pusher type

SKU 40,100,800 Category

Precision cuticle remover type pusher by Tendo Solingen 135 mm made of German stainless steel used for the production of precise surgical tools for medical specialists. The device contains high-quality surgical steel with anti-allergic properties compared to cheap counterparts made of chrome or ordinary metal. The instrument is suitable for manicure, pedicure and nail styling for professionals as well as for home use.

Cuticle pusher is also called a chisel, knurl or hoof. It has received internationalCE and ISO 9001: 2015certificates and a warranty from the manufacturer of medical tools. Prepared for sterilization and disinfection in autoclaves.

Cuticle remover

  • length 13.5 cm

  • width of tips spatula 8 mm, knurl 5 mm

  • made of surgical steel

  • 2 years warranty

  • in medical packaging

Benefits of using the original last for removing cuticles

  • anti-allergic properties

  • comfortable and lightweight construction made of durable stainless steel

  • high comfort of use

  • non-slip handle for left- and right-handed

The cuticle pusher should be used for its intended purpose. The tool can be disinfected with a chemical and sterilized up to 134 degrees Celsius.After getting the nail wet, remove the cuticles from the base of the nails, depending on which tip is more convenient to work with. The pointed part is also used for cleaning nails. It can also be useful for removing and removing hybrids.

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